Waterfield Wealth Management™, through its joint venture with Morgan Stanley, serves the private banking and estate planning needs of individuals and families with a combined net worth of $10 million or more.

For a personal consultation please email wwm@waterfield.com

Waterfield luxury properties, powered by the McMonigle Group, handles luxury real estate purchases & sales worldwide.

Email rrw@waterfield.com if you would like a consultation regarding the sale of your property or the search for a luxury property. The target property must be valued at $5 million or more for Waterfield to accept the engagement.

Waterfield has been investing its capital alongside client capital for nearly 100 years, and has acquired operations dating back to 1887.

Waterfield investments typically have the following qualities:

Companies with Revenue and Earnings.

Waterfield does not invest in pre-revenue companies or pro-forma earnings power. Some companies in which we have purchased an interest are small, but all of them have revenue and earnings, typically for at least 3 years. If you are a seller, and you would like to pitch such a position, please email a 5 sentence pitch to: rrw@waterfield.com. Pitches more than 5 sentences will not be read.

Distressed Assets.

Waterfield does purchase companies in distress, however, there must be a clear path to recovery. If you are a broker or a seller, and you would like to pitch such a position, please email a 5 sentence pitch to: jrw@waterfield.com. Pitches more than 5 sentences will not be read.


Waterfield purchases companies in a wide variety of industries, including but not limited to: hedge funds, private equity funds, principal investment areas, investment companies, asset management companies, banks, financials, financial technology, casinos, distressed commercial real estate, distressed commercial real estate loan pools, land, healthy commercial real estate in Southern California, New York, Miami, Panama, Zurich, and Indianapolis, New York City Restaurants, Northern Indiana farmland, Wyoming ranches. If you are a seller, and you would like to pitch such a position, please email a 5 sentence pitch to: rrw@waterfield.com. Pitches more than 5 sentences will not be read.

Hedge Funds.

Waterfield invests in mature hedge funds with in excess of $1 Billion in assets as long as the manager(s) have a significant personal investment in the fund. If you would like to pitch such a fund, please email a 5 sentence pitch to: jrw@waterfield.com. Pitches more than 5 sentences will not be read.

Private Equity Funds.

Waterfield invests in mature private equity funds with in excess of $1 Billion in assets as long as the manager(s) have a significant personal investment in the fund. If you would like to pitch such a fund, please email a 5 sentence pitch to: jrw@waterfield.com. Pitches more than 5 sentences will not be read.

Single Stock Positions.

Waterfield will invest in public companies at 8 x earnings or less with strong balance sheets and long term value characteristics. If you are a broker, and you would like to pitch such a position, please email a 5 sentence pitch to: rrw@waterfield.com. Pitches more than 5 sentences will not be read.